Go therefore and make disciples of all nations.
Matthew 28:19
At SRBC, taking the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the world of God's desire is a crucial aspect of our faith. We want to be a part of reaching our community, state, nation, and entire world with God's message of love, grace, and redemption. Everyone at SRBC is encouraged to be involved in all of our mission efforts by being a Player, Prayer, and/or a Payer in continually being "On Mission for God!"

Missions Ministry Team
SRBC has an active Missions Team, chaired by Dave Strege. Your team welcomes and values your input as we work together to reach our community and world with the Gospel. to contact Dave, you can email him at david.strege@yahoo.com.
Join the mission
Here is what is currently on going for our mission efforts at SRBC.
Local Missions
State Missions
National Missions
It could be as simple as inviting a friend to church or talking about your faith journey with someone over coffee. SRBC has ministries that knit and crochet items to be distributed at local hospitals and the homeless. We prepare care bags that are distributed amongst the impoverished in our community. We participate monthly with the Gospel Mission to feed the homeless. We also partner with many local ministry organizations.
SRBC partners with other Southern Baptist Churches through the Nevada Baptist Convention to meet needs throughout the state of Nevada. We recently sent a team of youth and adults to a church in Round Mountain, Nevada to paint and install new appliances. We have also assisted rural pastoral partners in home and church building refurbishments. We rely on staff in the Nevada Baptist Convention to help us meet needs.
Through the greater Southern Baptist Convention, SRBC partners with churches to meet needs throughout our country. For example, we partnered with a church in Kentucky and sent a team to help staff their Vacation Bible School and their free community restaurant. Team members shared the Gospel with those that needed to hear the good news of Jesus, while also worshipping with and encouraging local believers.
International Missions
In addition to supporting the Southern Baptist Cooperative Program which helps fund the International Mission Board, SRBC sends multiple teams around the globe annually to partner with field workers that are living in some of the remotest areas of the world for the furtherance of the Gospel. We send medical teams, Vacation Bible School teams, and evangelism teams to bring the name of Jesus to every corner of the world.

Please join us in praying for continued local, state, national, and global missions efforts as we work to fulfill the Great Commission and spread the Gospel and make disciples of all nations.